Saturday, July 24, 2010

energy work

It always amazes me that as soon as you make a decision - a road the universe has been waiting patiently for you to turn down - things start to happen to welcome you, to let you know you have been expected!

As soon as I decided that I would spend the next year doing energy work, a friend contacted me out of the blue, asking for a treatment.

I'm humbled, and excited and a little astonished. To think, you could wish for your ideal life and dream of everything you would have in it.. and now, it appears to be manifesting. I'm looking at the dream board I made in April - and I'm slowly ticking things off as they appear!

I was going to put a picture of my dream board up here.. but I felt a little exposed. Instead, I snapped this shot of some shells and gemstones I have in a tall vase on my art desk. They remind me of home.

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