Sunday, December 19, 2010

What I've been up to....

Wow, its been about three weeks. I've been thinking about the blog and I've been reading lots of other blogs.. but I havent had two seconds to sit down and type on my own.

So, here goes the catch up...

What have I been up to? Baking!!! Well, it is that time of year.

I was having one of those weeks with my little three year old. He is becoming very precocious... ok, thats being nice. Anyway, I sat down to read a blog that my friend Anno had written. It was filled with words about grace and patience and the love of small people. haha. It reminded me how much I love these little people. So, after I took Autumn to school
I got out the brown sugar and chocolate chips and Halyn and I baked a whole whack of chocolate chip cookies.

This is the little fella inspecting the dough!
And this is him blowing kisses into the baking. Thats the special ingredient - LOVE!!

It turned into a great afternoon - reminding me that even when you want to pull your hair out, you can find the most precious moments.

This is the taste test as we go back up to the school to get the kids.

And while I'm talking about baking, I thought I'd post some pictures of the christmas baking we did today. I get all three kids on stools and we get a baking in our tiny little kitchen. It is a big lesson in patience and letting go... and so worth the effort. The cookies the kids make are sooo cute.

My new haircut - still wet so you cant see the new colour in it.

A mountain of cookies!!

Just one of the tins full of finished cookies. mmmmm.

And what else... well, I've also been knitting like crazy. I'm waiting for some wooden buttons that I ordered on Etsy - alas, the christmas rush has slowed things down. I have a few neck warmers that are waiting for a couple of little buttons. I havent taken photos of them yet... so stay tuned for the finished product.

One thing I do have a picture of is a little tutu that I whipped up. A friend of mine had promised to make one for someone she knew and then forgot about it. She had to work the day she was supposed to deliver it, so she brought around the tule and away I went. These things are so sweet, I really want to make one for myself. I joke that seeing as I dont have anywhere to wear it, I might have to put it on when I do the vacuuming.

So, as well as the crafts and the baking, I've also done another painting. This one was for a couple in Australia - the inlaws of a good friend of mine. I've never met them and what I enjoyed about this painting was the way I could feel their energy despire the distance. I could sense that I was picking up the nuances from two people instead of just one. I could also feel that they were an older couple - all things I knew intellectually but things that I could sense from the painting when it appeared before my eyes.

I love the lines in this chakra - so fine and flame like.

That finishes all the commissions I have for the moment ... there are a couple of things on the books for next year... but now, that quiet time that lets me paint.. well, whatever it is that my heart wants to paint.

And that will be the fodder for another blog entry.. hopefully not three weeks from now!!

Enjoy the solstice my friends. And have a wonderful Christmas.



  1. Sweet! Love the whole entire post.

    3 year olds... yeah. That's why they are adorable, right? Anyway, you know all that crap goes away once they are 4. We all got our sanity back when the littlest made it to her 4th birthday. lol She made her brothers cry every day. It was wretched.

    I have a pwesent for you!! I will try to drop it off.

    Happy Solstice to you too! We are opening tomorrow night and doing the sunrise thingy on the 22nd. ; ) Wanna join or come play on that day?

  2. I cant believe that I just read this comment now.. and it is the 29th December. Man, I am getting very slack on this blog thing. I love love love the present. so so beautiful. I'll have to post a picture to show everyone else. Now, off to write and actually uplooad an entry!!
