For my friends in Australia - to show you what I sometimes wake up to here in Saskatchewan!!
That's minus thirty. With the windchill it was about minus thirty. brrr
But there are some beautiful things to see when its winter.
This is the view out of our back windows - sunset over the neighbourhood with all of the icycles that are hanging off the back drains.
And this is the ice that formed on the car on one of the nicer days. It actually freaked me out a bit as I wondered about getting myself electrocuted next time I tried to plug the car in!
And some frost patterns from the back window - things we dont see in Australia and I love to look out the windows at them. You can never quite capture the beauty of them with the camera.
Now, even with all of this winter beauty, you might have noticed a certain lack of colour in the landscape. Needless to say, I had to add some of my own in....
my new hair! I thought I would go as red as I could get it. Just in pieces - I thought it would hide the grey (ha ha - I think it just accentuated it!) I love it - I dont even mind the red that is now on all of my collars, my towels and my pillow cases!! Thats the price you pay! he he.
And finally, a sneak peak at my picture of Autumn. Part of me wants to just suprise everyone at the end when I'm done. I am really happy with how it is coming along - and absolutely amazed at how much this picture and Autumn herself, look like my sister. I think it is the freckles and the delicate skin.
Now, off to colour some more. !!
Love you Michelle! Sending you warmth and light. : ) (Those icicles are beautiful!!) I love you hair. ~M.