What a bleak and cold winter this is - naturally. It is winter, right?
Well, I've been a little on the creative side - but mostly a lot on the cold and waiting side. Waiting for spring I think. Waiting for that trip to Australia perhaps?
Ahh, to walk in the trees and see and smell the ocean and to see my friends. I cant believe I only have three weeks. I'm sure my husband who will be looking after the kids on his own is thanking God it is only three weeks.
Anyway, I thought I should grease the wheels so to speak and actually get this blog going again - the post christmas, new year entries didnt materialise. I watch my friends write everyday or at least every week... and I feel inspired... but at the same time a little lacking in the get up and do it department.
So, what I have done is to start something I have wanted to draw for a long time.
This is the picture of my son Halyn. I did it a couple of years ago as a project for a breastfeeding advocacy group that I was working with. I was supposed to hand over the finished piece, but fell in love with it. So, I kept the original and we got it scanned and now a print of said piece, hangs in the breastfeeding room at West Winds Public Health Centre.
Anyway, being totally suprised and inspired by this work, I fell in love with the idea of sketching all of my kids and this is what I've started. A picture of Autumn - none of the photos I had of her were crisp enough or had enough detail for me to use for a sketch. So, I got her in front of the window for lots of light and started clicking.
This is the photo I'm basing the sketch off....
... and so far, I'm nearly done one eye!
Nothing like diving back into your art to get you feeling cosy on the inside. I dont want to put the pencils down... but I guess I had better go and take Autumn to school!!
Now I just cant wait to get back to it this evening.
enjoy the late winter sun on all of this snow.